Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Age of information

So I have this blog here, people can now search information about any topic I want to write about. But the question becomes what makes me an authority? the expert? someone that you want to read my point of view? I am not even capitalizing sentences? well some of them. . . so anyway, if i have decided that I am going to wax lyrical about a topic, whether its current events, politics, music, or even video game (which I know a considerable amount about), the question still becomes what makes me the authority that I can compete via a search engine at the same level (and assuming by perception as credible as) a CNN, or NYtimes?

Just a question, sort of a concern. . as information access evolves, what happens? who are the experts? the visionaires? in a way its a democritization of information, but its also dangerous territory. . .


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